The simplest rental income calculator out there.

Landlord Calculator gives you instant insights into your rental income data

A few details about the property or portfolio

Not everything is required but the more you fill in the more insights you get. You can run reports on properties you own or calculate the potential income of a new buy-to-let

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As you have other income of £{{ otherIncome.toLocaleString() }} that utilises your personal allowance, the amount of profit that is taxable is £{{ Math.floor(rentalProfit).toLocaleString() }}
As some of your personal allowance is used by your other income, the amount of your profit that is taxable is £{{ taxableIncome.toLocaleString() }}
You have no taxable income as it is all within your personal allowance.
As you have no other income, the first £{{ personalAllowance.toLocaleString() }} of your rental profits are tax free. Therefore the amount of profit subject to tax is £{{ (rentalProfit - personalAllowance).toLocaleString() }}

Distributed to Annual Monthly
Gross Rent Received {{ Math.floor(income).toLocaleString() }} {{ Math.floor(income/12).toLocaleString() }}
Expenses {{ disp_expenses }} {{ disp_expenses_monthly }}
Net profit/loss before mortgage payments {{ disp_pl_before_mortgage }} {{ disp_pl_before_mortgage_monthly }}
Mortgage payments {{ disp_mortPayments_total }} {{ disp_mortPayments_total_monthly }}
Tax* {{ disp_tax_on_property }} {{ disp_tax_on_property_monthly }}
Mortgage interest relief {{ Math.floor(mortRelief).toLocaleString() }} {{ Math.floor(mortRelief/12).toLocaleString() }}
Net income {{ disp_net_income }} {{ disp_net_income_monthly }}
*Tax shown includes any credit from mortgage tax relief

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